From my understanding, Net Neutrality is not that hard to understand.  Your service provider (Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, etc.) gives you access to the internet for a monthly fee.  From this monthly fee you have access to the whole internet.  What the service providers want, is to charge the consumer for access to certain sites.  In a sense, they want it to work like the TV where you pay for different packages, based on what you want.  

I think that after watching the video, it is clear that people are for Net Neutrality.  In the video, about 12 people were interviewed, and all were for Net Neutrality.  Within this group of people, there were some who had started businesses.  They explained how without Net Neutrality, their companies would have never survived.  Among these was the founder of ZipCar.  While this video documentary was supposed to be funny, I do feel that it did its job, by informing people. It definitely showed that Net Neutrality is a serious issue that could become problematic in the future.  
I found the video to be very informative.  Prior to this, I had heard of Net Neutrality, but I really did not know much about it, or had looked into it more.  Now that I know more about it, I am for Net Neutrality.  Without Net Neutrality, it would be very difficult to start a small business and get your name out there.  Recently, the internet has become more accessible to everyone than it has ever been.  Taking away Net Neutrality would only be moving backwards at this point.  

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    Brad B

    Sophomore at UD, studying Marketing and Operations & Supply Chain.


    August 2013

